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What We Believe

What We Believe
We believe in God the Son who came to this earth as Jesus Christ, died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and arose from the dead to give us new life.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit who lives in the believer and continually nurtures the believer that he may grow in his understanding and expression of the Christian life.

We believe that God does His work through the ministry of the church. That the church is compelled to be involved in a Word and Deed ministry, faithfully teaching and preaching the Bible, which is God's inspired revelation of Himself, and doing the works of Christ as we reach out in compassion to the lost and needy.

We believe that through faith in Jesus Christ we receive the forgiveness of sins, one day will be raised from the dead, and share in the glory of eternal life.

As a Reformed Congregation we stand on the five great doctrines of the Reformation:

Scripture Alone  We believe that the Bible alone is the ultimate authority for our faith and life. We believe the Bible is inspired and inerrant (God's Word and without errors). Neither church tradition nor subjective feelings are the authorities for life. God's Word is the powerhouse to drive our worship, evangelism, education ministry, and growth in discipleship.

Christ Alone – We believe that Jesus alone is the way to God. As the only God-man, Jesus Christ fully paid the penalty for our sin by his perfect life and his death on the cross. Nothing we do can or needs to be added to Christ's work.

Grace Alone – We believe that as human beings we have no claim on God. The only thing God owes us is punishment for our sin. We can never earn anything with God. Apart from God's mercy and the work of his Spirit in our hearts we would never believe nor be saved. God alone gets the credit for salvation.

Faith Alone – We believe that by faith alone we can receive the benefits and blessings of Jesus' life and death. God has accomplished our salvation and all we must do is receive it with a believing heart. Through faith, we become right with God.

Glory to God Alone – As a church we live to bring glory to God. God alone deserves our praise. Our aim is that our ministry would have one goal: To bring honor to the God who's made us and saved us. We will constantly work to minimize the names and ministries of people and lift up our minds, hearts, voices, and hands to God alone

As a Reformed congregation we stand on three confessions of the Reformation:

The Heidelberg Catechism – This confession has 3 parts: Our sin, our salvation, and our service to God. It begins with a personal confession that "our only comfort in life and earth is that we are not our own, but belong, body and soul, to our faithful Savior Jesus Christ." We use the Heidelberg Catechism as a tool both in teaching and preaching.

The Belgic Confession – The Belgic Confession was written in 1561 as a statement of faith to defend Reformed Christians against persecution. It covers such doctrines as our view of Scripture, the divinity of Christ, our responsibility to the government, and the end times.

The Canons of Dort – The Canons of Dort explain what have been called the 5 points of Calvinism: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints.

Elder Covenant


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