Children's Ministries
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Infant & Toddler
These nurseries are provided each Sunday at both the morning and evening services (although sometimes combined at the evening service). Infant and toddler children are in separate rooms. The nursery area is located just off the Fellowship Hall.
Little Lambs (2's) & Wee Worship (3's-Young 4's)
The children meet during the morning service. This program includes singing, prayer time, Bible stories, crafts, playtime and snacks. They each meet separately- two's in the nursery area off the Fellowshp Hall and three's downstairs to the north of the stairway.
Sunday School
Sunday school's goal is to help children learn about God through singing, Bible stories, Bible memory, crafts & giving projects. Sunday school currently meets after the morning service for Pre-K - 4th grade. Sunday school meets 10:45-11:45am. Visiting children are welcome.
Children in Worship
Each Sunday morning, during the worship service, 4-year olds (by September 1) and kindergartners meet to worship God together. Children are dismissed from the worship service and accompanied by an adult to the Children's Worship Center located on the upper classroom level.